Types of Arm Prosthesis

Arm prostheses come in various types based on the user's needs, surgical outcome, and lifestyle. Here are some common types of arm prosthesis:
Mechanical Prostheses:
Mechanical arm prostheses provide movement with simple mechanical mechanisms. Users provide movement of the prosthesis by using muscle power. Such prostheses are often used to perform basic functions.
Myoelectric Prostheses:
Myoelectric prostheses are a more advanced type that provide movement using muscle signals. The electrodes detect the user's muscle movements and these signals are converted into motion by motors in the prosthesis. These prostheses can provide a more natural and precise movement.
Hydraulic Prostheses:
Hydraulic prostheses work with a system in which fluids are controlled. Hydraulic systems can make the movement of the prosthesis smoother and more natural.
Hybrid Prostheses:
Hybrid prostheses are formed by combining different movement mechanisms. For example, a hybrid prosthesis can be created by combining a myoelectric hand and a mechanical elbow.
Supporting Prostheses:
Supportive prostheses are designed to compensate for the deficiency rather than completely replacing the body's natural movement. For example, the index finger of a hand prosthesis may have a simple holding mechanism that can be used to grasp objects.
Cosmetic Prostheses:
Cosmetic prostheses are designed to compensate for the lack of appearance and to provide a natural appearance. Such prostheses are used for aesthetic purposes rather than providing functionality.
Sports and Special Use Prostheses:
Some prostheses are designed to provide better performance while playing sports or certain activities. For example, arm prostheses used while doing sports can provide better balance and mobility.
Arm prosthesis variants are a constantly evolving field, with more innovations being added with technological advances. Prosthesis specialist Can Erdem Ortez Prosthesis Biomechanics Center will assist in determining the type of prosthesis that best suits the needs of the patient.