End Skull Disorders

Skull deformities are any conditions that affect the normal shape and growth of the skull bones. These disorders can occur due to genetic factors, environmental factors, or a combination of both.
Some examples are:
Craniosynostosis: The skull may be smaller or misshapen than normal due to premature fusion of the skull bones.
Microcephaly: Skull is smaller than normal size.
Macrocephaly: Skull is larger than normal size.
Plagiocephaly: One side of the skull is flatter or more protruding than the other.
Brachycephaly: The skull is shorter and wider than normal.
Dolichocephaly: The skull is longer and narrower than normal.
Skull deformities are usually noticed at birth, but some may appear later. Treatment can vary depending on the severity and cause of the disorder. In some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.
Skull deformity is among the disorders seen in babies before or after birth. Although this discomfort does not occur due to a single reason, it is reported by experts that one of the biggest factors is raising babies by constantly lying on one side.
As you know, during the period when infant mortality started to increase, various campaigns were carried out in order to raise infants in the supine position. Many baby items, from car seats to car seats, have been designed and sold in this way. Unfortunately, deformities have started to be seen in families, especially those who put their children to bed unilaterally. This situation, which is especially common in twin babies and boys, can now be easily corrected with the help of cranial helmet treatment.
For skull deformity, choosing the appropriate helmet shape according to your baby's condition (flat, flat head) and using it for the recommended period in the treatment center makes a great contribution to the recovery of this degenerated area. Moreover, this helmet does not develop any negative situation in children, nor does it have any negative situation that will allow them to suffer.
If you are looking for a treatment method for skull deformity, you can contact us as the Cranial treatment center, choose a helmet for your baby with our expert staff, and start using it immediately and put an end to the deformities of the skull in a short time.