Make Your Life Easier With Arm Prosthesis

The arm prosthesis has been developed in a multifunctional way for people who have lost their arm limbs for many reasons. Our prostheses, which are designed to help you maintain your life easily again, are carefully designed to respond to the wishes of the individual and the person, and the prosthesis is meticulously designed to satisfy the user.
Arm prosthesis has features that differ according to their functions. These prostheses, which are divided into Bionic arm, Myo electronic arm, Cosmetic arm and Mechanical arms according to demand, are redesigned specifically for the limb area you request, and offer you the opportunity and opportunity to make your life easier and meet your needs more easily.
Loss of limbs can generally occur due to accidents as well as due to certain ailments. For this reason, the type of prosthesis that is specially requested according to the limb area (shoulder, elbow, wrist) that the patient has lost can be easily redesigned and offered for use.
Loss of a limb contains very difficult stages for people. As soon as limb loss occurs, prostheses are recommended as soon as the area heals on behalf of the patients, allowing them to continue their life as before, which also supports the patient's psychological comfort.
In order to make life easier with arm prosthesis for people who have lost a limb, you can contact us as the Can Erdem Ortez Prosthesis Bionic Center and get detailed information about all our prosthesis types that you may need for both arm and leg prostheses and have a custom prosthesis designed for your demands.