Pay Attention to Sleep While Choosing a Leg Prosthesis

Leg prosthesis is among the functions that help people who have lost their limbs as a result of certain diseases or sudden accidents, to hold on to life as before and to fulfill their wishes without the need for others. Prostheses used to replace the lost limb area allow people to meet many needs immediately, as well as allowing them to be satisfied by being designed with various features.
The leg prosthesis meets the demands by making it functional by meticulously designed for many regions from the hip to the knee or wrist. These prostheses, which are specially designed according to your height and weight, can also be specially designed according to your usage function. If you want to swim, ride a bike, play golf, climb, participate in sports activities or dance, you can start using your prostheses by having them prepared with the appropriate features.
Our company, which provides services to patients with special designs for both leg and arm prostheses, allows you to easily perform all functions as before. However, the prostheses taken for the legs should be especially personal and should not cause discomfort. Considering that when you stand, all the weight of the body will be given to these areas, it is obligatory to take care to use compatible prostheses in order not to experience loss of limbs again.
To have more detailed information about leg prosthesis, you can contact us as Can Erdem Ortez Prosthesis Bionic Center and support the design of special products with our prosthesis specialists.