RGO Reciprocal Walking Orthosis

RGOs are often prescribed for people with paralysis due to conditions such as spinal cord injury or post-polio syndrome.
RGO Reciprocating Gait Orthosis, NGOs has been used successfully for children younger than 2.5 years with spina bifida and has also seen success in other pediatric diagnoses. Adult paraplegics often choose a wheelchair as their preferred mode of transportation, but the mobility of an RGO offers familiar and attractive freedom.
RGO is a full-body orthosis device that allows pelvic rotation mimicking natural biomechanics and gait – physiological rotation during gait. Rehabilitation training is intense with great rewards, but requires dedication and encouragement.
Mechanical RGOs for rehabilitation have advanced over the years and typically consist of locking knee joints, hip joints, and bilateral KAFOs (also HKAFOs) with a combination of a custom-molded pelvic girdle and a thoracic extension. Traditionally, hip joints are joined by cables to prevent simultaneous bilateral hip flexion. Hip extension on one side and hip flexion through the cables on the other creates the characteristic reciprocal gait pattern.
The modern RGO control is developed with software and stepper motors. Exoskeletons are increasingly used in rehabilitation with incredible results. Advanced exoskeletons provide varying degrees of functional muscle stimulation for users.