Scoliosis Corset Treatment

Scoliosis is a condition that means curvature of the spine. Scoliosis generally refers to a condition in which the spine curves sideways. Treatment of scoliosis may vary depending on the degree of curvature, the patient's age, general health status, and severity of symptoms. Here is general information about scoliosis brace and treatment options:
1. Scoliosis Brace (Orthosis or Brase):
· Orthosis or brace is generally used to stop the progression of scoliosis or reduce the degree of curvature.
· Brace is generally used in children and adolescents because the spine is not yet fully developed and brace can be effective during this period.
· Brase is a device that supports the body to maintain the correct position of the spine. However, the effectiveness of brace use may vary from person to person.
2. Physical Therapy:
· Physical therapy may be recommended to correct muscle imbalances caused by scoliosis and maintain the correct position of the spine.
· Physical therapy methods such as exercises, stretching techniques and posture training can be used.
3. Training and Movement:
· It is important for individuals with scoliosis to learn correct posture and movements. Physical activity can improve overall health and relieve symptoms of scoliosis.
4. Surgical Treatment:
· Surgical intervention may be considered when scoliosis is severe or other treatment methods are not effective. Surgical treatment aims to correct spinal curvature.
When deciding on the treatment of scoliosis, it is important to consult a specialist doctor. The doctor will evaluate the patient's condition and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan, determining a treatment method appropriate to the patient's age, health condition and degree of curvature.