How to Make a Prosthetic Leg

Making a prosthetic leg is a very special and technical process. This process may vary depending on the patient's needs, the type of prosthesis, and the technology and materials to be used. A general guide is provided below, but as denture making is a complex process, it is important that you work with an expert denture designer and manufacturer.
Doctor Evaluation and Measurement: Leg prosthesis construction begins with the guidance of a specialist orthopedic surgeon or prosthetist. The patient's health status, amputation level, muscle strength and lifestyle are evaluated. Following this evaluation, detailed measurements are taken from the patient's leg structure.
Prosthesis Design: Based on the measurements, a prosthesis design is created that suits the patient's needs and leg structure. The design is made taking into account the functionality, comfort and aesthetics of the prosthesis. At this stage, the patient's consent can also be obtained.
Mold Making: Once the design is approved, a mold is created to take the shape of the patient's leg. This mold is used to ensure the correct fit of the prosthesis.
Material Selection: Materials to be used in making prosthetic legs are selected. These materials are of great importance for the durability, lightness and comfort of the prosthesis. Material selection is made in accordance with the type of prosthesis and the needs of the patient.
Prosthesis Production: After design and material selection, the prosthesis is produced. The components of the prosthesis are cut, shaped and assembled. Joints, movement mechanisms and other details are meticulously placed.
Hydraulic or Electronic Components: If the prosthesis contains hydraulic or electronic components, these parts are integrated. The hydraulic system or myoelectric components help the user perform more natural movements.
Customization: The prosthesis is customized to suit the patient's leg shape, needs, and aesthetic preferences. Colour, pattern and design details can be adjusted.
Testing and Adjustments: The produced prosthesis is tested and adjustments are made to suit the patient's needs. Mobility, comfort and functionality are checked.
Training and Rehabilitation: The use of the prosthetic leg is taught to the patient through the training and rehabilitation process. The patient is provided with the necessary skills to use the prosthesis effectively.
The process of making a prosthetic leg requires collaboration with an expert prosthetic designer, orthopedic surgeon, and other relevant healthcare professionals. In this way, the most suitable and functional prosthesis for the patient's needs is created.