Prosthetic Arm Types

Prosthetic arms are artificial limbs generally designed for individuals who have no arms or whose arms were congenitally missing. These prosthetic arms are designed to help users perform daily living activities more effectively. Here are some types of prosthetic arms:
Mechanical Prosthetic Arms:
These types of prosthetic arms usually consist of mechanical parts such as hinges, springs and gears. Users can perform a range of simple hand movements using these prosthetics.
Electric Prosthetic Arms:
These prosthetic arms often contain electric motors that work via electromyography (EMG) signals or other sensors that detect muscle movements. Users can move their prosthetic arms by controlling muscle movements.
Hydraulic Prosthetic Arms:
Hydraulic systems use fluid pressures to control the movement of prosthetic arms. These types of prosthetic arms often provide precise control and help users perform a variety of hand movements.
Digital Prosthetic Arms:
Incorporating artificial intelligence and other digital technologies, such prosthetic arms may use advanced sensors to detect the user's thoughts or nerve signals. Users can perform the hand movements they think of.
Cosmetic Prosthetic Arms:
These types of prosthetic arms are generally for aesthetic purposes and focus on imitating a real arm. Their functionality may be limited, but their appearance resembles a real arm.
Myoelectric Prosthetic Arms:
These prosthetic arms contain electric motors that are controlled using the user's muscle movements. Electrodes are used to detect muscle contractions.
The design and features of prosthetic arms may vary depending on the user's needs, physical condition, and preferences. With developing technology, innovations and improvements are constantly being made in the design of prosthetic arms.