Silicone Prostheses

Silicone prostheses are prostheses made of a soft and flexible material called silicone, used for medical or aesthetic purposes. These types of prostheses are used in various fields and there are many different types. Here are the general features and usage areas of silicone prostheses:
Softness and Flexibility: Silicone prostheses are soft and flexible due to the nature of the silicone material. This allows the prosthesis to fit comfortably into the body and provide comfort to the user.
Natural Look and Feel: Silicone prostheses are made of material that can bond naturally with the skin and provide a look and feel similar to real tissue. This feature is important to achieve aesthetically pleasing results.
Various Application Areas: Silicone prostheses can be used in medical rehabilitation, plastic surgery, prosthetic hair, prosthetic breasts, prosthetic noses, prosthetic fingers, prosthetic skin surfaces and many other areas.
Easy Cleaning and Maintenance: Silicone prostheses are generally easy to clean and maintain. Cleaning can be done using a soft cleaning cloth and a mild cleaner.
Durability: Quality silicone prostheses can be durable and long-lasting. However, durability can be increased with proper care and use.
Hypoallergenic: Silicone material is a material that is unlikely to cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it may be a suitable option for people with sensitive skin.
Customizability: Silicone dentures can often be customized according to a person's needs and preferences. This allows the user to obtain a prosthesis with the desired shape, size, color and details.
Silicone prostheses can be an important medical solution that improves quality of life and meets aesthetic or functional needs for many people.