ErgoArm Elbow Prosthesis

ErgoArm®, ErgoArm® plus, ErgoArm® Hybrid and ErgoArm® Electronic plus elbow components offer high functionality, low weight and an attractive appearance.
Dynamic and strong elbow joint. The ErgoArm on the elbow prosthesis helps you keep up with your life.
4 elbow components for myoelectric prostheses
The higher your amputation level, the higher the demand on your prosthetic application. We have developed four elbow components especially for this purpose. ErgoArm®, ErgoArm® plus, ErgoArm® Hybrid and ErgoArm® Electronic plus offer a high level of functionality, low weight and an attractive appearance. Here are the models at a glance:
Lightweight and yet robust, the basic model 12K41 with lockless lock is particularly well-suited for low-priced mechanical and cosmetic equipment.
ErgoArm plus®
The extended model 12K42 for cable-controlled prostheses has a flexion aid as well as a locking lock that stores the energy released during extension and uses it to support subsequent bending.
ErgoArm® Hybrid
Electrical cables can be discreetly inserted into the prosthesis thanks to the “Easy Plug” integrated cable guide, which is ideal for myoelectric-handed hybrid prostheses.
ErgoArm® Electronic plus
Model 12K50 can be locked using various electronic signals. This is done quickly and unobtrusively – even under high connection loads.