3D Hip Abduction Orthosis

The reciprocal gait orthosis or Ferrari Orthosis is a functional gait orthosis commonly applied in parapilgic or Spina Bifida patients who need ambulation.
In the RGO orthosis, both hips are connected to each other by a steel spring. Moving one of our hip joints forward (flexion), even slightly, creates a mechanical tension and enables the opposite direction of our other hip (extension moment). Therefore, very successful results have been obtained, especially in cases with the ability to bend (active flexion) from one of the hip joints. Repetitive reciprocating walking with each step prevents the formation of hip contracture. We can lock the hip joint with dual mobility while standing and bring it to a completely free position when sitting. The main benefits of the device are the ability to stand hands-free and to start walking in parallel with the device adaptation process. For children who do not have a contracture above 30 degrees and do not have mental problems, an average of 2 years of age is considered suitable for application.
As a result of the R&D studies of the Can ERDEM Orthotics Prosthesis Laboratory, the mechanism of the device is produced according to the weight and height of each patient.